A Positive Mindset Can Be Powerful {30 Day Self-Improvement Tips}

A Positive Mindset Can Be Powerful {30 Day Self-Improvement Tips}

Welcome back to the second week of your 30 Day Self-Improvement Tips #7-12: A positive mindset can be powerful. Tips 7-12 focus primarily on being positive, and how you have control of your situation. You choose how you want to express being positive, and that greatly has an impact on your daily life.

How did the first 6 tips work out for you? I hope you continue to practice them, and see improvements in no time.

A positive mindset can be powerful. Tips 7-12 focuses primarily on being positive, and how you have control of your situation. You choose how you want to express being positive, and that greatly has an impact on your daily life.

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Sometimes we try hard to run away from the negative, but it seems to catch up in our news feed, at work, and with our families. Learn how to reset your mindset and stay positive.

A Positive Mindset Can Be Powerful

7. Practice Journaling Randomly – Journaling releases negativity and toxicity from your body, soul and mind. However, journaling also resets your mindset. Don’t just fill a journal with negative stuff. If your romantic partner makes you smile or performs a kind gesture, write it down. It will give you something to look at when you miss them or are really mad at them in the moment.

8. Keep Positive People Close to You – Your attitude will directly affect your day; so if you are being sour and negative, your day will spiral into a sour and negative day. Keep positive friends close by and reel them in when you need a boost. Don’t be ashamed of your bad moods, just take responsibility for them. Grab a friend, talk about it and then let it go.

9. Keep Negative People out of Your Bubble – You will never rid yourself of all the negative people in your life. After all, some of them are your employers, coworkers and family members. You can, however, keep them at a distance while enclosing yourself in a more protected bubble. You don’t have to let their negativity into your space. Make a choice to slowly distance yourself from them and know that their negativity has nothing to do with you; it’s their stuff. Don’t own it for yourself.

Not sure how to make this happen? Grab the Brain Bliss Activation Quick Start Guide by clicking the image below. These are my proven steps to get away from the negative in your life and into a positive mindset!

10. Choose Your Filters Wisely – If you read negative stories, watch the news and get involved in gossip, you will most likely end up with negative thoughts. After all, negative stories are what so much of these things focuses on these days. Choose what books, music and television you let in. Stop ‘hanging out’ on social networking gossip sites and take responsibility for your own actions.

11. Listen to the Right Kinds of Music – Uplifting music will change your brain waves and fast music will give you a boost of adrenaline. If you are feeling low, pop on some dance tunes and watch how quickly your toes will begin to tap.

12. Start Your Day the Right Way – Start your day the right way with one positive thought, affirmation or conversation. If you read something positive, think something positive or say something positive, your day will be that much better and you will have done this by your own power.

Share in the comments how you have seen the power of a positive mindset in your life!

Check out the entire 30 Day Self-Improvement Tips List!

Disclaimer: I offer no guarantee these are good tips but maybe something in this list will spark inspiration for your own self-improvement.

Continue on for more 30 Day Self-Improvement Tips

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6 Responses to A Positive Mindset Can Be Powerful {30 Day Self-Improvement Tips}

  1. This year I started a morning ritual of yoga and taking time to be thankful for all I have. I loved your post as we appear very like minded. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

  2. These are great tips! I especially love to journal to show myself self-love and appreciation. It’s such a perfect way to purge myself of negative energy and get back in touch with all the things that make me unique and special 🙂

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