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There was such a loud squeak going on outside, it distracted my attention from my office and I had to go find out what was going on. Velcro (one of our cats) was sitting in the window and a squirrel was on the tree outside just squawking away at her in a frenzy. As I… Read More >>
Now that you know what a marketing hub is, let’s discuss how exactly you set up your hub, as well as all of the elements that surround it, so you can create an unstoppable marketing package. This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. Please read my disclosure policy here. Now, let’s discuss how… Read More >>
If you are not speaking the SAME language as your ideal client, you will attract the wrong leads. This is a lesson I’ve learned the hard way. This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. Please read my disclosure policy here. And even if you define your ideal client language once…it changes over time. Copywriting… Read More >>
A sales conversation with a prospect isn’t a battle of wills. You’re not trying to coerce them into buying your product or offering, and understanding their psychology will help you to effectively overcome their sales objectives. It’s a collaborative process where you’re working together to find a solution to the customer’s problem. This post may… Read More >>
I think one of the biggest adjustments to living in the country is weekly meal planning. We no longer live two minutes away from our favorite Chinese restaurant, a Taco Bell, or the grocery store deli. The first week we lived at our new house, it became very apparent that weekly meal planning had to…
Money brings happiness. Increased income directly correlates to an increase in happiness. But is money alone the cause for your happiness? Can happiness be bought? Take an introspective look at how you can bring more happiness into your life with a couple of fundamental ideas.
Your productivity at work is directly related to the amount of energy you have! Knowing where your natural energy comes in your day is a great way to create a time management and energy flow that works best for your lifestyle.
Today’s topic brings so much joy to me to share with you. If you struggle at all with dealing with people, your spouse, your job, your boss or your life in general in small or big ways, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read this book, Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff.