We are bombarded with information all day long.
Consider how many pieces of content you come across on a given day that you could potentially read.
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It’s thousands. There is way more information out there than we can possibly consume, and few pieces grab our attention.
Join me below, where I’m sharing the 3 Keys to Creating Content that Converts into Clients.
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Thank you for being here today.
Greetings from a sunny spring day in Iowa!
Hi, it’s a sunny day here in Michigan.
Cloudy and raw in southeastern CT
Hi Jen lincoln ca
Central Washington State
Getting people to engage in groups can be challenging
Lots of sense
I try once a week
sporatically about once a month
once a week
Social media daily
Need to create an email list first
Keep in mind THEIR WII-FM
Love your umbrella!
Headline Tips:
1. What grabs your attention (create your own headline swipefile)
2. Headlines sell the click – 50 characters, Taste-Test, not full reveal, checklist, be controversial, spin an idea to make it work for you, personalize, ask questions
3. Know your audience – wiifm (what’s in it for me)
4. Testing – split-testing helps you know what your audience is resonating with – stats, data
5. Content Diet – how to find your content (in show notes)
Yup that’s my biggest issue…consistency
Content that converts and Umbrella
yeah iam in, thank you
6 hours you said?
Is it one day or over a couple days?
What date is it happening?
thank you!
How do I get the Show Notes and also get to the 6-hour Workshop? Thanks.
Hey Trish! You can enter the Content that converts and my Happybot will send you over to the show notes!
Hi, Jennifer! #Replay…..content that converts
Umbrella. Yes, it’s like the concepts of “subset” in math and the process of identifying the “Sweet Spot” in a Venn diagram.
Content that convert