8 Things To Do When You Take A Break At Work

8 Things To Do When You Take A Break At Work

Often, when we feel overwhelmed and can’t concentrate it’s because we haven’t taken enough breaks throughout the day.

8 Things To Do When You Take A Break At Work

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Taking a break from work gives you much-needed rest and allows you to recharge.

It can also do wonders for your focus.

What do you do when you take breaks?

We each have different activities that help us bust stress and regain focus.

Here are some ideas you can use to get the most out of your breaks.


Get physical and do some stretching, preferably away from the computer screen.

Go For A Walk

Take a short walk around the block or through the park. Walking provides excellent thinking time.

Get A Snack

Nibble on something light and healthy in between stretches of work to give your brain some fuel.

Get Deep Into Distractions

Do something that takes your mind completely away from work like scrolling through your social media feed or playing video games.

Indulge In Something Funny

Spend a few minutes watching or listening to something you find hilarious to not only recharge from work but add some positivity to your day.

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Use this time to reply to non-work texts or make phone calls.


Sit and do nothing at all, letting thoughts pass without getting attached to them.


Let your mind wander and follow it. Think about something pleasant or fun you’d love to be doing right now.

Daydreaming can also help boost your creativity.

And most importantly, DON’T do other work during your break! The whole point is to give yourself a respite from work.

The best practice is to take a short break of about 10 minutes once an hour, and a longer break for every 2-4 hours, but see what works for you.

Leave a comment and share what you like to do on your breaks?

For more tips on how to Conquer Overwhelm & Increase Productivity check out these other posts:

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