Get Organized and Reduce Clutter

Get Organized and Reduce Clutter

After reading The Happiness Project, I have gotten the itch to improve little things in my life. For me, the self-realization that I was part packrat and part clutterer was a big one. I’m definitely not a hoarder, but I knew that I could get organized and reduce clutter in my life. I dreamed of the day when I would open a drawer, know EXACTLY what was inside of it before opening, and could smile at how beautiful the INSIDE looked. Well friends, I think I’m on my way.

I have been working my way through the house and doing one thing at a time. Well, not always because sometimes I get distracted by another problem area.

So far, I’ve wrangled our DVD collection, made sense of the inside of the family room ottoman, tackled the horrid filing cabinet with its mountains of paper, made it much easier to find food in the pantry, and cleaned out the fridge.

It feels so good, I don’t want to stop! It’s amazing how clearing out clutter can really clear the mind and make you happier.

 Are there still certain areas in your house that just needs a good clean up. It's time to get organized and reduce clutter the right way!

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Get Organized and Reduce Clutter

I have recently gotten hooked on some great organization blogs. My cousin Natalie pointed me to one of my now favorites, This girl is amazing!

She organizes with a passion but even better, she makes everything so pretty in the process. She re-purposes items she already has on hand, does a million DIY projects, and even gets her husband involved in the house decorating/projects.

It was a reader feature of a fabulous pantry furnished entirely with dollar store items. I fell in love!! I don’t think mine will ever look this pretty but a girl can dream, right?

When I start dreaming like this I start putting together goals to make it a reality. I thought you might like the method to my madness. Click the image below to grab your FREE copy my goal setting guide!

To me, this next one is the perfect freezer. These bins corral all kinds of half-eaten freezer bags. They would be perfect for all the purees I’ve been making.

It feels amazing to get organized. I think the hardest part is getting started. After that, you feel so good about the first project that you can’t wait to start the next!

Don’t know where to start? Get some ideas and tips on our Happiness Matters Organizing Strategies Pinterest page.

What are some of your best tips to get organized and reduce clutter? Share them in the comments below!

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4 Responses to Get Organized and Reduce Clutter

  1. Beautiful organization. I LOVE it. It does feel so good to clear out clutter and get organized. Thanks for the link. Heading over now!

  2. I have been systematically doing this and I cannot tell you how much lighter I feel – it is WONDERFUL… I love that you are doing the same.

  3. Good for you! I truly get nervous and feel claustrophobic around too much stuff. I love an organized pantry. Drawers are my downfall.

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