Book Club – the Happiness Project

Book Club – the Happiness Project

At the end of the year, I mentioned in more detail what my own Happiness Project was all about. Last month, we just finished reading The Happiness Project as part of our book club. It’s one of those books that from time to time you need to re-read to and get new nuggets from that may not have meant as much to one the first time around. It all depends on where you are at in your life. I know personally that I have really have taken this book to heart. I’m so impressed by this book that I was even interviewed for an article in the most recent issue of Family Health and Wellness magazine.

Book Club - the Happiness Project is amazing. It's one I suggest if you haven't read it yet.

How are you living5x5 today? Be happy, and get into The Happiness Project. Share with me your favorite parts of this book in the comment section below. Don’t forget to GRAB my FREE Manifesto Guide for everyday inspiration.

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